.NET Social Security Number Validation

Writing code for work on a Sunday is certainly not my idea of a good time. Especially when our approaching deadline is inspiring panic and all manner of apocalyptic pronouncements about bits of code that aren’t working.

The latest panic compelled me to do a bit of research (i.e. Googling) to find out what constituted a valid Social Security number. Google kindly coughed up this Wikipedia entry. A quick scan through the article yielded this page from the Social Security Administration. Titled Social Security Number Allocations, it lists the valid code ranges for all 50 states, DC, and U.S. territories.

The regular expression you get from Microsoft’s web user control for SSN validation is relatively simple: d{3}-d{2}-d{4}. One of the developers changed things to use this: ^(?!000)([0-6]d{2}|7([0-6]d|7[012]))([ -]?)(?!00)dd3(?!0000)d{4}$

Sure, it’s gold plating. But it works. It would be more trouble to take out than it was worth anyway.

Ether Beta Test

Awhile back, I read a blog entry (probably from Robert Scoble) about a venture called Ether. If memory serves about how he described their goal, they’re trying to be the eBay of services. I figured I’d sign up and see if they’d add me to their beta test list. Today I got their e-mail saying I’d been added.

Here’s the business card I generated after signing up:

Scott Lawrence (IT Advisor)
1-888-MY-ETHER ext. 01568799

A lot of family and friends call me for advice on computer-related things. It seems to come with the territory when you’ve got a degree in computer science. If I make a little pocket change from this during the beta test, I’ll consider the experiment a success.

I’ll post more as the beta test proceeds.

VS.NET 2003 Annoyance

VS.NET really annoyed me today. When I changed my custom page base class to be abstract, the web forms that inherit from it could only be seen in HTML mode. Their HTML editor leaves a lot to be desired. Maybe I’ll have to figure out how to switch to SciTE automatically when the visual designer croaks.

On the other hand, not using the visual designer does get rid of VS.NET’s annoying habit of trying to create new declarations of web user controls in the web form code-behind when you’ve already got them declared in a custom base page class.

Ads coming to iTunes

I came across the article today in Advertising Age (via a Wall Street Journal link).  The article hints that this is the first step toward advertising showing up on iPods.

I’m not surprised.  It was inevitable that advertising would show up on iTunes.  I’d been hearing it in some of the podcasts I listen to already.  I wouldn’t expect Apple to turn down that revenue stream forever.  It’s still a little sad that there’s one more place we can now expect to see ads.

Open Source on the .NET Platform (part 1)

Open source on the .NET platform is a topic I’ve been thinking about for awhile. My current boss has made it a point to try and use open source applications built with .NET whenever possible. This is the first in an occasional series of posts on the topic.

A good definition of the term “open source” comes from Vaskin Kissoyan of Lokion, Inc.. Here’s the software developer aspect of the full definition:

“Open Source Software allows a developer to contribute to an already existing product or application, it also provides a rich set of library code (basic functionality) effectively giving you an almost unlimited amount of blocks upon which to build your applications. The OS community fosters reuse so there is no need to re-invent the wheel – a major problem for all developers before the dawn of Open Source.”

How well does this definition apply to some of the software built using .NET since the year 2000? In some respects, it fits quite well. When it comes to library code, Microsoft has provided Application Blocks, then the more robust Enterprise Library. Microsoft has also done a good job of providing reference applications as starting points for future development. This is a practice I first took advantage of during the Windows DNA days when I used the Fitch & Mather Stocks application as the basis for an online recruitment tool I built for Ciena in 2001. Since that time, sample applications like Duwamish Books and a myriad of starter kits have been the basis for many custom development efforts.

The Issue Tracker starter kit was the first open source .NET application our group at Aspen Systems (now Lockheed Martin IT) tried to use. The group lacked a formal, centralized way of tracking bugs in the software we developed, so my manager saw it as a no-cost way to build our skill with C# (it’s also available in VB.NET) and .NET and improve our development process.

Looking back on the experience, we should have answered the following questions before we moved forward with the IssueTracker starter kit:

  1. Is open source the best choice for this application (buy versus build/extend)?
  2. What platform are your developers most skilled at building for?
  3. Is the best open source application on the .NET platform?
  4. Is it our goal to re-sell an application we’ve extended?

At the time, I could have gone either way on whether an open source application was the best choice for issue/bug tracking. There are tons of commercial, closed-source options with plenty of functionality. One such application is FogBugz. The latest version has great e-mail integration, discussion groups, source code control integration, support for release notes, RSS and more. It can get expensive, but selling custom software for a living should mean that we recoup those costs.

Even if there was no willingness to spend money (and there wasn’t) and open-source was the direction chosen, Bugzilla is used by enough companies and organizations (including Id Software, NASA, and Akamai) that we should have considered it far more strongly than we did.

We were (and still are) primarily a Microsoft shop, so the developers were most familiar with that platform. Unfortunately, too many of them were new enough to ASP.NET that they wrote applications the same way they would have in classic ASP. This was probably why boss felt the application would be a good learning tool.
When it comes to open source, the odds that the best solution will be written in .NET are low. None of the open source bug/issue tracking solutions written in .NET that I was able to find came anywhere close to Bugzilla or FogBugz in user interface, functionality, or documentation.

We weren’t going through the trouble of extending Issue Tracker because we wanted to re-sell it. It was (and is) strictly for internal use. From my perspective, the only reason to assign people from revenue-generating projects to extending this app was if we planned to re-sell the resulting application.

At the time, I believed we made the wrong choice in trying to turn Issue Tracker into a production system. The year that has past has only strengthened that belief. The resulting application is regularly changed and updated to accomodate requests from any number of people. It takes development resources we really need for projects that make the company money. It still lacks useful features that can be found in more mature products (both open source and COTS) .

In my next post on this subject, I’ll examine how these four questions apply to a more robust open source .NET application: Community Server.

First bilingual application

In the nearly 11 years I’ve been writing software for real money, I haven’t had any internationalization projects until now. The project I’ve been assigned most recently is an electronic forms application that will allow the spouses of police, fire, and other public safety officers injured or killed on duty to apply for benefits. It certainly isn’t the most cheerful app I’ve ever helped write, but it’s definitely one of the more important ones.

Dealing with resource files has been the biggest pain of the entire project. We lack consistent naming conventions for variable names. We also lack consistent locations for the variable names. This results in the need to pull strings for one form from multiple resource files. Sometimes, variable names and locations have been changed arbitrarily and without warning. This meant that code I’d written one day that displayed the correct text, displayed nothing the next day. A few of those changes cost me half a day of rework (and every bit counts when your deadline won’t move).

When I finally had a chance to look for information on internationalization in .NET, I came across an excellent article at DevX. It’s the first in a 3-part series of articles that ends with a decent checklist of issues to consider in an internationalization project. The sample application is more complex than my assignment because they’re internationalizing database content as well as static content.

So far, I think we would have helped ourselves a lot if we’d thought of the resource files as classes. I’m not sure what the performance implications of more resource files with fewer strings would be versus fewer resource files with more strings, but I think it would improve our speed of development.

We need heroism

These are the words I least want to hear, especially when it comes to my job. I heard them today from one of my bosses because I’ve been writing code for one of his projects. It has the usual immovable launch date and changing requirements. The latter is why I was added to the project. The client decided, in all their wisdom, that an application we were building for them needed to be bilingual (displaying English or Spanish depending on the viewer). This is after changing the platform from Java on Unix to ASP.NET & C# on Windows. All this, one month before the scheduled launch.

Part of me is amused by this situation because I’ve been telling this boss for months that we don’t have enough developers. Because my title is “senior systems analyst”, writing code isn’t supposed to be my primary job. This same boss has said in the past that he didn’t want me to write code. So it’s rather ironic (and annoying) that I’m who he asks to write code when it looks like his project will miss its deadline.

Needing heroism on most of your projects means something is seriously wrong with the process.  It’s particularly discouraging when your employer received a CMMI Level 2 certification within the past six months.  That level is supposed to mean heroism is in the past.  In reality, CMMI Level 2 means a ton of documentation (and a ton of time spent writing it).  It doesn’t fix inaccurate budgets estimates or timelines, clients that keep changing their minds about what they want or a lack of developers to actually build the product.